
認許年份: 2023

黃錦源大律師於 2023 年獲得香港大律師執業資格,並在師隨陳永豪大律師、伍頴珊大律師、潘定邦大律師及林樂夫大律師後加入本大律師事務所。



法學學士 (諾丁漢大學)

法學專業證書 (香港城市大學) 


Building and Construction

Hang Chin Marble Engineering Ltd. v Pacific Marble & Granite Ltd. [2025] HKCFI 480: Representing the Plaintiff in a trial and successfully claimed against the contractor for outstanding payments. (With Mr. Solomon Lam)

Representing the Defendant in a High Court action against the subcontractor over a dispute in a demolition and ancillary works sub-contract.

Representing the Plaintiff in a High Court action claiming against the subcontractor for outstanding loans and overpayment.

Representing the Plaintiff in a District Court action claiming against the contractor for outstanding payments. (With Mr. Solomon Lam)

Representing the Plaintiff in a District Court action claiming against the contractor over a repudiatory breach of a renovation contract.

Representing the Plaintiff in a District Court action claiming against the contractor over a breach of a renovation contract.

Representing the sub-sub-contractor in an arbitration proceedings against a sub-contractor for outstanding payments in a sub-contract for HVAC building service works. (With Mr. Solomon Lam and Mr. Matthew Cheung)

Land, Building Management

Representing the Defendants in a series of District Court proceedings concerning water seepage, DMC and common parts.

Representing the Plaintiffs in a District Court action claiming against the building manager on damages due to water seepage.

Industrial Summons

HKSAR v Pyrofoe Engineers Ltd. (D1) (KTS 9779/2023): Representing a sub-contractor in a trial who was summoned with one count of “Liability of Proprietor”. (With Mr. Oscar Tan)

HKSAR v Nin Kee Construction Co. Ltd. (D2) (STS 3356,3357/2023): Representing a sub-contractor in a trial who was summoned with 2 counts of “fail to take adequate steps to prevent a person on the site from falling from a height of 2 metres or more”. On day 2 of the trial, the prosecution offered no further evidence against D1, the main contractor, provided that D2 pleading guilty to the summons.


HKSAR v Ko Chi Fung [2024] HKDC 1690: Representing the defendant who was charged with 5 counts of “Blackmail” and “Criminal intimidation”. The Defendant pleaded guilty to Charge 2 and 5. The Defendant was acquitted to Charge 1, 3 and 4 after trial (With Mr. Oscar Tan and Ms. Josephine Chiu)

HKSAR v Lam Hung On (WKS 7601/2024): Representing the defendant who was charged with one count of “Careless driving”. The Defendant was acquitted after trial.